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You can email images from the Image Explorer. You can specify here how you want to email those images.



Email method


Emails can be send using three different methods.


Default Windows email program (MAPI)

Emails will be sent using the default Windows email application (eg Outlook Express). Arles will prepare the images and automatically open the default Windows email application. You can then type your email message text in your default email application.


Default Windows email program, Compose in Arles (MAPI)

Emails will be sent using the default Windows email application. The difference with the first option is that you can now compose the message in Arles.


External email server (SMTP)

The emails will be sent using an external SMTP email server. The message will be composed in Arles.





Your name

When you send messages this name will show up in the From field.


Your email address

This is the email address people should respond to when sending you an email. The email address should be in the format For example



Outgoing mail server (SMTP)


SMTP server name

Specifies the SMTP server used for sending your email messages. Ask your Internet Service provider or your system administrator if you don't know what to put here.


My server required authentication

Select this option if your SMTP servers requires you to specify a password.


Account name

The name you use to login into your SMTP server.



The password used to login into your SMTP server.